Class Dojo Behaviour Management System

by bellhut

This behaviour management system is so cool, and it is definitely something that I would fall for in my schooling days. During my last prac, my class had pre-existing behaviour management strategies that worked really well, so of course I adopted them.

One of the strategies worked better than the rest, and it was a money system. The ‘dollars’ were called Congrats, and if I so much as pulled one of the blue bills out of my pocket and held it in my hand while I kept talking you could just see their little backs straighten and mouths close straight away. At the end of each week, they had a chance to use their Congrats to buy lots of cool little things like Lego sets, lollies and bendy pencils.

Looking at the Class Dojo system, I think the virtual representation of each student and the number of points they do or don’t have would be a really engaging tool for a lot of students.

Emilie Knopke

While on professional experience, I noticed that there was no apparent formal classroom behaviour system, chart, or so on in place. I figured that this was because it was a fairly well-behaved class and maybe, that one was not crucial. However, I feel that behaviour managment systems are a great visual for students and have the capacity to praise good behaviour as well as repremand students exibiting bad behaviour. It is fair and the consistant. Since we are completing professional experience as part of this ICTs course, I thought to myself that surely someone must have come up with a digital behaviour management system. I thought a digital one would provide many benefits that a traditional one might not. For example, keeping stats. So I hopped onto trusty Google and searched it. Low and behold, I found a couple good ones (which was a shame because I could have made…

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